The Devil's response is that he did not set the trap; he merely offers the People the best way out of it ("the best means of saving yourself"). On the surface, the "better opportunity" Monygham offers is the ride to Cayta, which will restore Nostromo's "great reputation." But what is really being offered (by the Devil) is the false front of trustworthy reputation, under cover of which the People may do as they please. In denouncing "the wretched silver" he means the old, failed dream-ideal of fidelity to the rulers; the "better opportunity" he offers is to join society in deception and get something out of it.
The theme of liberation through socialism is illustrated by Nostromo's hands,
which are envisioned "snapping thick ropes" (escaping bondage) and
"bending horseshoes" (twisting the conquering nature of mankind to
their own ends).