At first glance, this paragraph seems mere restatement: in the previous chapter
Monygham already determined that Nostromo was "the only possible messenger
to Cayta."
But something more is going on here. In this paragraph, the Devil (represented
by Monygham) comes to understand that if he wants to rebuild society, he requires
the participation of the People. Note that Nostromo is "really"
indispensable, i.e., the People are indispendable for the practical, workaday
reality of society. Note also the phrases "at last" and "the doctor
surrendered," conveying Monygham's change of mind on the subject; these refer
back not to the mission to Cayta, which he had already made up his mind about,
but to his conversation in Chapter 3-1 with the chief engineer, in which he maintained
that Nostromo was "a fool" for his fidelity to society.
The Devil now realizes that he needs exactly that fidelity from the People.