A multi-layered symbolic impasse is reached here. Nostromo's "No" stands for the People's first attempt to end their exploitation, to refuse service. The refusal is a "surprise" to Paquita, who immediately goes from "begging" to demanding.

On another level, because Nostromo has no gold, it is a gift he cannot give even if he wanted to. I.e., rulership is not a power the People possess, that they could confer upon the Ruler. If the People had rulership, they would not be the People, they would be the Ruler; the People are by definition those who are ruled. This notion runs directly counter to the Enlightenment idea in which rulership does originate with the People and is voluntarily conferred upon government by them. In the pessimistic view of Nostromo, rulership is by definition one-sided and oppressive. The People have no gold and never did.